details & how to register

FwF is social, adult, coed league and anyone 18+ can play of any skill level!

  • SPRING 2025 IS OPEN!
    Games take place on Saturdays beginning April 5, 2025!
    we will skip Easter, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day weekends
  • We play at Victor Ashe Park, which is located at 4901 Bradshaw Rd, Knoxville, TN 37912.
  • Games typically begin at 11AM & later with a new set of games every hour.
  • Expect 1 double-header a season. We can work with schedules if notified.
  • SAVE $10 by registering 2 weeks before the first gameday. Discount automatically applied at checkout (details below)
  • Karli Creekmore is volleyball league commissioner.
    ***See further below for more rules/details


  • First you need an account on the website. Click “REGISTRATION” tab above to officially register on our site. NOTE: usernames must be all lowercase, no special characters.
    If you already registered once before, just log-in if you aren’t already.
  • After you complete this step then click on “MAKE PAYMENT” tab and complete check-out.
  • NOTE: registering on the site only creates an account on here. Make sure payment is submitted!
  • NEED A TEAM? Sign on as a free agent or with a friend!
    All free agents get placed. Join with a friend by adding their name when prompted.
  • EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION COST is $40 per person for 8 sets of games.
    Pay 2 weeks before gameday (Friday at 11:59PM) to save! Discount is auto-applied at check-out, no code needed!
  • REGULAR REGISTRATION COST is $50 per person.
  • We ask that team captains register a NEW team first. All other players will select the team name from the drop-down. Please allow up to 48 hours for site updates. NOTE: you must have at least 80% of the required players needed to start a team (at least 4 players). Otherwise, you’ll need to go into free agency together instead.
  • Team captains choose the team colors.

Purchase an official FwF Volleyball League soft tri-blend shirt at a discount for playing!
Only $15 at checkout, just select the option.

If you don’t know your team color or are a free agent, leave the color choice blank.

The FwF shirt comes with several discounts at area locations.
See the full FwF Shirt Discount list HERE!


  • RULES: FwF-Coed-Volleyball-Rules-23edit

  • Everything required will be provided by the league.
  • 6 players per team minimum (no maximum) with at least 3 females (no maximum of females).
  • IMPORTANT: IF YOU DO NOT MEET THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF REQUIRED ROSTER PLAYERS, YOUR TEAM CAN’T HAVE SUBS AND WILL TAKE A FORFEIT UNTIL YOUR TEAM HAS 6 REGISTERED PLAYERS. The week 1 forfeit will go into effect Friday at midnight before the first game. Then will proceed every week the same way until you meet the minimum. Ask for free agents if you need them.
  • Free Agents will not be placed until 5-7 days prior to the games starting or upon captain request.
  • 4 players must be present to start a match with gender requirement being met.
  • Substitute players are allowed up until playoffs ONLY if your team meets minimum roster requirement.
  • Standings will determine who you play in playoffs.
  • All teams will make playoffs! Playoffs are single elimination.

FwF Volleyball Award:

  • Winning team gets pictures with the FwF Championship Volleyball Trophy! Along with a team plaque added.
  • Winning team takes home individual FwF Sports Champs medals OR can choose from the “Winner’s Circle Shop” under the “info” tab above. Players must decline the medal at the game to partake in the shop. Once you take the medal, it is your’s.